News from the NSRA

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16 JULY 2020

Administration News 16 July 2020

We are pleased to publish the revised NSRA Guidance Notes to support Clubs and Members as you prepare for reopening on 25 July. The original Guidance Notes published on 1 June 2020 have been updated with additional links to help you locate further information relevant to your particular Club. We hope you find the clear statement concerning insurance cover helpful and is of course based on you following the Guidance originally provided by the Government and now issued by the NSRA.

In addition to the Guidance Notes we have also shared a Risk Assessment prepared recently by a Club in the North West of England as an example of the preparatory work you need to undertake. Please remember every Club is different and therefore your Risk Assessment must be bespoke taking into account your Club’s environment, circumstances and any other pertinent factors. Finally we have also published a Covid-19 Waiver Form which will afford you and your members some additional protection if followed as outlined in the document.

We know there will be further questions so we will always try and help by answering them but at this stage this in the optimum advice we can offer to support you in your efforts to reopen on July 25. Please do share your successes and experiences via social media and/or [email protected]

Good luck and thank you for your support  

Copied from NSRA website, click here for the source and further information.