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  • Post category:NSRA
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Dear Member

In March we set out our initial thoughts about why and how the NSRA needs to change in order meet the needs of our Members, Affiliated Clubs and all the shooting disciplines we represent. This statement of intent came about as a result of poorly and inaccurately communicated information about supposed changes to our Membership Structure. We held our hands up, apologised and committed to getting this right in order for the NSRA to be fit for purpose for the next ten years and beyond. 

Since then Covid-19 has struck and while this has presented a fresh set of challenges Coronavirus has in no way deflected us from the Organisational Change agenda we must now undertake so we can effectively protect and promote your interests as Shooters. So the process of change begins this weekend with the start of an extensive consultation process. The most important participants will be our Members and Clubs, those Members and Clubs who for various reasons have decided not to renew in recent years and of course the huge pool of potential members out there who are waiting to be convinced the NSRA has the right home to offer them.

In the next few days and over the weeks to come a series of Surveys will be mailed to all these groups as well as any other individuals and organisations who could benefit from building  a dynamic relationship with the NSRA. The Surveys will be distributed in phases so if you don’t receive one straightaway don’t worry you will. Here are some other key points about the Consultation Process:

·         All responses are anonymous 

·         All surveys are quick and uncomplicated

·         There will follow be up surveys to ensure we fully understand your views and ideas

·         We will publish results and analysis so the exercise is genuinely transparent

·         Any conclusions, recommendations and plans from the NSRA will be surveyed before any final decision is taken about implementation

·         nsra.co.uk and social media will also be used to maximise the reach of the Consultation

·         A prize draw will form part of an incentive and a thank you for taking part

So Organisational Change is about to start with everything on the table and up for discussion. Our Membership are absolutely critical to this process and your participation will shape the NSRA and how it goes about its business for years to come. We want to offer outstanding service to you, become more efficient, better communicators, a National Governing Body with teeth and bite who can protect and promote your interests as Shooters to the best of our ability. We thank you in advance for your support and can promise you when change begins there will be no turning back!