Revised NSRA Covid-19 Guidance

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28 November 2020

Following the announcements this week concerning what restrictions will apply from 3rd December onwards under the new 3 Tier system we have our updated our guidance accordingly. The following links and information now replace previous posts. This applies to England with regional advice available from the relevant devolved agencies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We will of course publish details of any further updates or clarifications that are forthcoming over the next few weeks.

UPDATE: Following questions about individual shooting in the latest NSRA Tier Guidance, it appears that this has been misinterpreted by some as meaning only one person may use the range at one time. This is not the case. “Individual Shooting Only” means one shooter per firing point per time slot allocated by the club’s booking system. There must be no spotters, assistants or spectators on that firing point at the same time unless it is someone from the same support bubble. It means there must be no group activity, which for the majority of disciplines, is the manner in which we already shoot.

New Local COVID Alert Levels (updated 27/11/20)

NSRA Guidance for reopening clubs (updated 27/11/20)

Running Courses during Covid 19 (updated 27/11/20)

Introducing New People to Shooting during COVID-19 (updated 27/11/20)

All COVID-19 Document Downloads