Revised NSRA Guidance to Clubs

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  • Post category:Notices
  • Reading time:2 mins read

02 November 2020

The following is part of the Government announcement that comes into force on 5 November 2020 to help prevent the spread of Covid19. 

To reduce social contact, the Government has ordered certain businesses and venues to close. These include:

…..”indoor and outdoor leisure facilities such as bowling alleys, leisure centres and gyms, sports facilities including swimming pools, golf courses and driving ranges, dance studios, stables and riding centres, soft play facilities, climbing walls and climbing centres, archery and SHOOTING RANGES [in England], water and theme parks”……..

This means all SHOOTING RANGES in England must close from 5 November for at least four weeks.

We are constantly monitoring the situation and will publish new guidance as soon as clubs are allowed to open again.