Covid 19 Response – Initial Guidance (following Government statement 22 February 2021) by the NSRA

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Published 23 February 2021

Following the Government announcement of the step-by-step plan to ease restrictions in England (applies to England only), the NSRA is putting together in-sport guidance to assist clubs and individuals. At this early stage, it appears that:

Current Situation

For the moment, lockdown regulations remain in place and no target shooting in clubs can take place.

Step 1

8th March 

Children and young people will be able to take part in sport and activity at school as part of educational provision and wraparound care from 8 March. This is very much up to the school that may or may not decide to include shooting in the sports that are delivered. 

29th March

From 29 March outdoor grassroots sport for adults and children will restart, subject to guidance.

Outdoor Target Shooting in clubs can commence providing social distancing remains in place and National and NSRA Guidance is followed to maintain a Covid Secure environment. This will be for individual shooting only and Clubs should take steps to prevent mixing. No indoor shooting may take place and shooters should take steps to minimise travel.

Step 2

At least 5 weeks after Step 1, and no earlier than 12th April

Indoor Target Shooting in clubs will be able to commence providing social distancing remains in place and National and NSRA Guidance is followed to maintain a Covid Secure environment. This will be for individual shooting only and again special consideration must be given to prevent mixing. Shooters should still take steps to minimise travel.

This is a brief outline of our understanding of the first 2 steps in the process and is clearly subject to change. The NSRA is developing a fuller picture of the Steps and what this means for clubs, coaches and shooters. As soon as we have consulted on the details, a complete version will be published together with updated versions of the main NSRA Guidance documents.

Note: “Individual Shooting Only” means one shooter per firing point per time slot allocated by the club.  It does not mean only one person may use the range at one time. However, there must be no spotters, assistants or spectators on that firing point at the same time unless it is someone from the same support bubble. It means there must be no group activity, which for the majority of disciplines, is the manner in which we already shoot.

NSRA Website link for original document.