Summer 2024 Shoot By Dates

As we begin the summer shooting season I thought it would be helpful to list all the shoot by dates for the summer league competitions. Top Tip – write the shoot by dates in the top corner of your card (outside the border) and keep them in date order in your slot, that way you know which cards you have to shoot next.

Devon County SRA

13th May27th May10th June24th June8th July22nd July5th Aug19th Aug2nd Sept16th Sept

Exeter & District

R1, R2 & R3R4, R5 & R6R7, R8, R9 & R10
27th May24th June29th July

Cambridge 25yd and 50m

R1 & R2R3 & R4R5 & R6R7 & R8R9 & R10
20th May17th June15th July12th Aug9th Sept

NSRA Competitions

190 / 306 / 39720th May20th May3rd June17th June1st July15th July29th July12th Aug26th Aug9th Sept
33127th May
392 / 395 / 39631st July31st Aug30th Sept