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Secretary’s Report

Another very successful year for the club with a continuation of enthusiasm and push for progress by the current

committee and some of our members. We have had many congratulatory comments and emails about our facilities,

training opportunities and, particularly pleasing, our friendliness and sense of community as a club. Thank you to all

those who have contributed to making the club what it is today.

Our membership has grown again over the past year and thanks to Robin for managing all the memberships and

ensuring we are complying with all Home Office and Police regulations around this. It is great to see a wider age-

spread of members, particularly with the steady rise in junior and family group members.

Wednesday evenings, our beginners and new members sessions, have been very well supported. So much so, that

we have had to limit the number of new members wanting to join the club at one time, so we have the instructors

and helpers to ensure the safety and timely progression of their skills in target shooting. We are currently taking

bookings for April, such is the demand for learning our sport, which is fantastic. Thank you to all those who have, and

continue to support the development of new members, especially those who continue to turn up nearly every

Wednesday evening with the enthusiasm to promote target shooting and a smile on their face! There is also training

available on Monday evenings for intermediate shooters and thank you also to those who give up their time to

support our up-and-coming shooters.

It’s great to see so many members shooting in competitions both at our club and at other clubs, with a great deal of

success in all disciplines using both air and live fire. Please remember that the job of a discipline captain is made so

much easier by members shooting their cards on time. Chasing shooters and having to rush to the post office at the

last minute takes so much unnecessary time and energy. Therefore, it’s a good plan to get ahead with your shooting

as you don’t know what might crop up to stop you.

Thank you to everyone for playing their part in opening and running club nights as Duty Officer and Buddies.

Thankfully, the job has become so much easier this year with the introduction of the till system, and the reduction in

counting, recording and general paperwork needed. For anyone who hasn’t yet completed a duty, there is plenty of

support for those who would like it. Please, just ask. The smooth running of club nights depends on everyone taking

their turn and this is a condition of your full membership. If you have any queries or difficulties with this then please

contact me and we can see where else your support can be used instead. There is always plenty of groundwork or

cleaning that needs doing.

It was recently queried by the police why Pinhoe have so many more new members coming into our club than any

other club in Devon. I replied that they just need to look at the website, the facilities we have now developed, the

enthusiasm for promoting our sport, the friendliness of club members, and what we have achieved as a club over the

last few years, to understand why.

Please continue to support the club in any way you can.

Good shooting in the coming year – may all your shots be 10’s! (X’s in benchrest )