Triggers and Triggering

Join us for an evening session focused on understanding triggers and how to master trigger control. This session is perfect for those who shoot, or are wishing to shoot in leagues and shooting matches.

What to Expect

In this two hour session you will delve into the fundamentals of trigger mechanics and learn advanced techniques for improving accuracy, and learn some practical exercises to enhance your muscle memory. Topic areas covered include:

  • How trigger mechanisms work
  • Single, two stage and electronic triggers
  • Adjusting a trigger to safely improve your accuracy and consistency
  • Perfecting your triggering cycle for even better competition results
  • Adjusting rifles and pistols to fit your triggering requirements

A set of illustrated notes covering all the content will be available to take away at the end of the session.

Refreshments will be available during the presentation break.

Book Your Tickets

These improvement sessions are incredibly popular and tickets are limited, so please book early. The modest ticket price helps to support the Club and pay for the supporting session notes.


Jan 23 2024


19:00 - 21:00




Pinhoe Range
Pinhoe Range
Langaton Lane, Pinhoe, Exeter, Devon


Pinhoe Target Shooting Club
Pinhoe Target Shooting Club
01392 648022
[email protected]


  • Andrew Vardon
    Andrew Vardon
    Training Officer

    Andrew has instructed shooting at various levels over the years and is now the Training Officer at Pinhoe Target Shooting Club. Andrew is a qualified Club instructor in Air, Bench Rest, LSR and Prone Rifle.

    After shooting Prone Rifle for many years, Andrew now enjoys shooting Air Pistol and Bench Rest (Air).