Pinhoe Target Shooting Club’s annual Bunny Shoot held on 13th April 2025 at Budleigh Farm Shooting Range. This is an open competition for all Prone, Benchrest and LSR target shooters.

Competition Details

There are two squads on the day of shooting at 10am and 1pm. Competitors will be entered into three classes, Rag, Tag and Bobtail depending on their certified average.

The Prone and Benchrest competitions will be an English Match 60 shots at 50m followed by a Rapid Rabbit 10 shots at 50m timed over 90 seconds.

The LSR competition will be shot at 25m.

Competition Rules

The competition will operate under NSRA competition rules. Targets for Prone will be NSRA 50 Metre Three Card System (MM13/89-18). Targets for Benchrest will be Bench Rest 50 metre 10 Target (50M10BR17-18). Targets for LSR will be NSRA 25m.

Range Information

The competition is held at Budleigh Farm on their South Range for all three disciplines. There will be hot and cold refreshments available. Parking can be limited when the range is busy, so competitors are encouraged to car share if possible.

Entry and Fees

Competition entry is £18 per discipline with a 50% discount for Juniors under 18 on the day of shooting.

ONLINE ENTRY is available until the Friday before the competition date. Entry on the day may not be available if the event is busy.