DCSRA Devon & Open Championships
A greatly expanded programme of events for our 100th Anniversary year.
Junior entry is free for all competitions for those under 18 years on the day of the shoot.
Benchrest Events
Benchrest Events | Classes | Course of Fire | Cost |
10. Double Dewar | A,B | 40 shots at 50m, 40 shots at 100yds | £12 |
11. Double Dewar Pairs | Concurrent with Event 10, Total Score | £4 / pair | |
14. Single Dewar | A,B | 20 shots at 50m, 20 shots at 100yds. Maybe shot concurrently with event 10 or standalone | £7 / £4 |
16. English Match | A,B | 60 shots at 50m (on the South Range) | £12 |
17. English Match Pairs | Concurrent with events 16, Total Score. | £4 / pair |
Prone Rifle Events
Prone Rifle | Classes | Course of Fire | Cost |
20. Double Dewar | A,B,C | 40 shots at 50m, 40 shots at 100yds | £12 |
21. Double Dewar Pairs | Concurrent with Event 20, Total Score | £4 / pair | |
22. Club Team of 4 | Concurrent with Event 20, Total Score | £4 / team | |
24. Single Dewar | A,B,C | 20 shots at 50m, 20 shots at 100yds. Maybe shot concurrently with event 20 or standalone | £7 / £4 |
25. Astor Cup Team of 6 | Special Events (Squads K & P) | Free | |
26. English Match | A,B,C | 60 shots at 50m (on the South Range) | £12 |
27. English Match Pairs | Concurrent with Event 26, Total Score | £4 / pair | |
28. Club Team of 4 | Concurrent with Event 26, Total Score | £4 / team |
LSR / GRSB Events
LSR / GRSB | Classes | Course of Fire (on the South Range) | Cost |
30. 25/50m LSR Aggregate | A,B,C | Sighter & 3 match cards at 25m & 50m ,shot in pairs, 10 shots on each card | £7 |
31. Club Team of 3 | Concurrent with event 30, total score | £4 / team | |
34. LSR Sport Course | A,B | Sighter & 30 shots precision at 25m followed by 30 shots rapid fire in details of 5 shots | £7 |
Centre Fire Rifle / GRCF Events
Centre Fire / GRCF | Classes | Course of Fire | Cost |
40. 25m Precision, Iron Sights | A,B | Sighter in 5 mins then 4 match cards shot in pairs in 20 minutes, 10 shots each card | £7 |
42. C/F Sport Course | A,B | Sighters, then 30 shots precision, 30 shots rapid fire at 25m | £7 |
Pistol Events
Pistol | Classes | Course of Fire | Cost |
50. Free Air Pistol | A | Sighter than 60 shots, 10 per card, 20 shots per detail. On the South Range | £7 |
52. Air Pistol Aggregate | A,B | Sighter & 3 Match cards at 20yds and 25m, 60 shots in total. On the South Range | £7 |
53. Club Team of 3 | Concurrent with event 52, total score | £4 / team | |
54. Air Pistol Sport Course | A,B | Sighters, then 30 shots precision, 30 shots rapid fire at 25m | £7 |
56. 10m Air Pistol | A,B | Sighters then 12 cards, 5 shots on each card. 60 shots total. On the 10m Range | £7 |
57. 10m Air Pistol Pairs | Concurrent with event 56, total score | £4 / pair | |
60. Muzzle Loading Pistol | A | 2 cards, 13 shots per card, best 10 on each card to count | £7 |
62. Long Revolver | A | 25m, sighter in 5 mins then 4 match cards shot in pairs, in 20 minutes, 10 shots per card | £7 |
64. 50m Rim Fire Long Arm Pistol | A | Sighter, then 60 shots, 10 per card in pairs in 20 minutes. On the South Range | £7 |
Meeting Rules and Information
On arrival please report to the stats office and sign in so we know you are on site, this is an insurance requirement for both competitors and visitors.
Meeting rules are displayed in the stats office, the event will be shot under ISS/NSRA rules where appropriate.
Please put your County on the entry form as there are a number of (free) competitions for some Events. All information asked for on the entry form is required for a reason. Please contact the Organiser if you have any concerns rather than not give the information.
Classes will be allocated according to entry, with medals for each class to 3rd place if sufficient entry, however entrants performing substantially in excess of their submitted average may be reclassified.
Cards will be scored in the numbered order, please ensure you shoot them in the correct order.
Smoking or vaping is not allowed within 5m of the firing line.
We recommended that effective ear defenders are used on the Ranges when firing is in progress.
Pairs and teams must be entered in writing.a minimum of one hour before shooting commences.
Juniors must be under 18 on the day of shooting.
Any sights may be used on all LSR/GRSB events and for Event 8 Muzzle loading Pistol, but no slings or specialist clothing may be worn.
Magazines must remain empty until the instruction “You may load” is given.
All weapons must comply with current NSA rules where applicable. Please ensure you have a breech flag.
All .22 rimfire ammunition must be subsonic i.e. under 1100fps
Centrefire Events, for pistol calibres we allow NO Magnum loads. Calibres larger than .38 accepted only if low powered (under 900fps) loads are used.
All ammunition must be lead only.
Muzzle Loading Pistol, Event 8, Safety or prescription glasses must be worn. Two hands may be used when firing.
Except for the 10m Range, targets will be ready on the range with stickers attached. Alterations MUST be countersigned by the Range Officer.
The Range Officer may pause or postpone an event if the weather conditions make it unsafe to continue.
- To Enter please fill out and return the Entry Form with your remittance, see 6 below
- Enter your average for each event, please use a fair average or I may alter the class you are allocated.
- Choose your first, second and third choices of squads you would like to shoot in, with two squads for those events that require them.
- Your entry will be deemed acceptance of the Match Rules.
- You may enter by email [email protected] with a scan or photo of the entry form, or by a phone call if you have all the information to hand and I am available.
- Payment by Cheque with Entry form, please make payable to “DCSRA”. Payment may also be made by BACS, using “DC6” with your surname as a reference, your account name is automatically attached to the payment so if you use your own bank account to pay you do not need to reference your name. The account is; DCSRA 30-96-23 32722368 at Lloyds Bank.
- Squadding notices will be sent by email IF I CAN READ IT, otherwise please send an SAE.
Hot and cold food and drinks will be available.
For queries and questions please contact the Organiser, Richard Elliott, Stable End, Fatherford Farm, Okehampton, EX20 1QQ phone 07706881348, email [email protected].
On behalf of the Devon County Smallbore Rifle Association and all the Affiliated Clubs. Special thanks to all the Range Officers, scorers, volunteers, Chris & Hazel Burrow, Bruce and the staff at Budleigh Farm because without their assistance the event would not run.