Home Events - Pinhoe Target Shooting Club Pinhoe Trophy Open Prone Shoot 2024

Pinhoe Trophy Open Prone Shoot 2024

First Awarded 1968

Enter online here

Competition Details

Competition 1 – Pinhoe Trophy Prone

Teams of 3 shooters to shoot 3 cards each @ 25yds. Choose your own start ex 300, minimum start 4 (i.e. 296)

Competition 2 – Individual in Classes

Aggregate of the first 2 team cards.
(Shooters may wish to shoot for the highest score on the first 2 team cards & attempt to obtain their chosen start on the 3rd team card)

Competition 3 – Individual Time-limit in Classes

Optional extra 1 card @ 25yds in 90 seconds

Classes and Prizes

Competition 1
The team with the highest score will receive the Pinhoe Prone Trophy, first awarded in 1968 (to be returned for next year’s competition). Also medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places

Competitions 2 & 3

Medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places in each class

Entry fee

Competition 1 & 2: £10 per competitor (Junior £5): Competition 3: £3 per competitor

Entries close 4th November

Competition Rules

NSRA Rules and Regulations will apply at all times.

All disputes will be settled by a Range Committee comprising three Officials of Pinhoe Target Shooting Club

Further Information

All competitors and visitors are required to sign in on arrival, competitors will also be required to enter their rifle serial number.

Firing Points

This is an indoor shoot @ 25yds


A selection of food along with tea, coffee and squash will be available for purchase in the clubroom.


This is a non-smoking site including the outside area.


The Club will not accept responsibility for articles owned by competitors or others at the meeting that may be damaged, lost or stolen from the Range or its surroundings. Rifles and other equipment should be locked securely and out of sight in your vehicle when not competing.

Car Parking

Is available on site. Vehicles are parked at their owner’s risk and the Club will not accept responsibility for loss, damage, or theft of or from vehicles parked at the Range.


All results will be published on the Pinhoe Target Shooting Club (www.pinhoe-tsc.org.uk) and will be emailed to competitors supplying an email address on their entry form.


Pinhoe Target Shooting Club, Langaton Lane, Pinhoe, Exeter.


Are available on the website at How to get there

Data Protection

Information provided when entering this competition will be stored on computer for the purposes of administration of the meeting and the distribution of results.

Please consent when entering to use of information on entry form for the purposes set out in this Data Protection Notice and agree that Name, Club and Competitor Number may be published on the Pinhoe Website. If you do not consent only Competitor will be published.

Entry Fees

Competition 1 & 2: £10 per competitor
Competition 3: £3 per competitor

When entering: 1st team member enters Team Name, 2nd & 3rd team members enter same Team Name.

Enter online here

Contact [email protected]


Nov 09 - 10 2024


Pinhoe Range
Pinhoe Range
Langaton Lane, Pinhoe, Exeter, Devon


Pinhoe Target Shooting Club
Pinhoe Target Shooting Club
01392 648022
[email protected]

Pinhoe Trophy Downloads

Details and Poster